How Craniosacral can help you ?
Are you looking for a solution to a chronic health problem? Pain management with a natural therapy that is safe and gentle with no side-effects? Help for an infant, an aged parent or a beloved pet? An intervention for a seemingly intractable condition? Or perhaps you want to try a therapy that works directly with the nervous system, leaving you feeling calm, grounded and free from anxiety. Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy is a subtle but powerful therapy that does all this and more.
Here are some of the medical conditions that Craniosacral therapy alleviates.
Click on the buttons below to read more about the disorders that benefit from receiving Craniosacral therapy
Spine-related issues such as scoliosis, spondylosis, issues of the intervertebral discs, neck and back pain, joint stiffness or pain, alignment issues.
CranioSacral therapy provides effective relief from a wide range of back issues, including a slipped disc, disc bulge, herniated disc, sciatica, scoliosis, spondylosis, nerve pain or tingling in the arm and fingers (cervical radiculopathy), arthritis, whiplash, pulled back muscle, muscle spasm and any kind of chronic back pain or referred pain.

Meet Niyati Nath
Niyati has been offering Craniosacral therapy to the people and animals of Mumbai, India for close to a decade. Inspired by the beauty of this work and its power to transform lives, she left her legal practice to explore how we can connect with the health within using Craniosacral therapy. She enjoys staying abreast with the latest developments in this field by pursuing advanced studies with global thought-leaders in the field and she holds numerous international certifications.