Craniosacral therapy and tongue tie releases:
A tongue tie is corrected by surgery. Craniosacral therapy works well to support the healing process after the surgery. Faster healing facilitates better latching and feeding. Craniosacral therapy is an established treatment for babies who have had tongue tie release surgeries and there are dentists and surgeons in Mumbai who regularly recommend Craniosacral therapy for these babies, as their recovery is faster and smoother when they are in therapy.
Craniosacral therapy optimises the functioning of midline structures such as the tongue. As the baby develops a better orientation to its midline, torticollis and facial asymmetries start to correct – Craniosacral therapy is one of the few available therapies that actively supports and facilitates the restoration of facial and cranial symmetry.
Other indications that your infant or toddler will benefit from Craniosacral therapy:
Distressed and unsettled babies
Colic/ reflux/ GERD
Excessive wind/ difficulty passing wind/ gut issues
Pre and post tongue tie release
Facial asymmetry like a squint
Sleep problems
Teething issues
Developmental Conditions
Reported benefits to children treated with Craniosacral therapy:
Breastfeeding is easier for both mum and baby
It is easier for the baby to release wind and gut issues improve
Bowel movements are more regular and there is less straining involved
Baby feels more relaxed as tension is released and is more content or interactive
Baby is able to sleep better
Baby is not as restless when lying flat or as fussy during nappy changes
It’s easier for baby to move his/ her head to both sides